Indicator Center
Our precept is to act with responsibility and transparency in disclosing concrete data about our commitments, goals and management practices linked to the sustainability agenda. We provide the Indicator Center to monitor our evolution over the years and the Frequently Asked Questions section, where the main information about our strategic pillars was listed.
Indicator Center
The Indicator Center presents the sustainability data that we monitor in a three-year historical series (2020, 2021 and 2022), divided into nine macro themes. The indicators were collected based on the methodologies of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Boarding (SASB) and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and correlated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Commitment with Minerva Foods Sustainability.

Food Safety and Quality

Occupational Health and Safety

Animal welfare

Operating Market


Reporting methodologies

Common questions
In this section we provide information frequently requested by our target audience in relation to our sustainability agenda. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, we have a channel to clarify doubts and make suggestions via email
Commitment To Sustainability
Minerva Foods, recognizing that the sustainability of its business depends on maintaining the ecosystems that support agricultural production, publicly announced its commitment to the agenda in April 2021.
More information can be accessed in the ‘ Commitment to Sustainability ‘ section.
The central objective of the commitment to sustainability is to direct Minerva Foods’ transition to the low-carbon economy, making it a carbon neutral company (net zero emissions) by 2035, 15 years ahead of the Paris Agreement. To achieve this, the Company will work on three main axes:
1. Scopes 1 and 2 of GHG emissions – Environmental Efficiency of operations:
1.1 Reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions in scopes 1 and 2 by 30% by 2030; It is
1.2 Maintenance of the carbon neutral energy matrix (net zero emissions in scope 2 – target already achieved in 2020).
2. Scope 3 of GHG emissions – Zero illegal deforestation across the entire supply chain (direct and indirect supplying farms) for all countries of operation in South America by 2030:
2.1 100% geographic monitoring of direct supplier farms in Paraguay by December 2021 (goal reached in December 2021), Colombia in 2023, Uruguay in 2025 and expansion to other South American countries by 2030; It is
2.2 Development of a monitoring program for indirect supplier farms in all countries of operation in South America by 2030, including:
2.2.1 Integration of the Visipec tool into the geographic monitoring system for the Amazon by December 2021 (goal reached four months ahead of schedule);
2.2.2 Availability of an application to verify indirect supplier farms in Brazil, in partnership with Niceplanet Geotecnologia, until December 2021 (goal reached two months ahead of schedule).
3. Scope 3 of GHG emissions – Renove Program, low carbon emissions in the production chain:
3.1 Acquire at least 50% of animals from supplier farms participating in the Renove program by 2030; It is
3.2 Establish partnership with research institutions to apply a methodology to monitor, report and verify the carbon balance of supplier farms in South American countries of operation, with preliminary results expected in 2021 (goal achieved with disclosure during the Conference of Nations United Nations on Climate Change – COP26).
More information can be accessed in the ‘ Commitment to Sustainability ‘ section.
Minerva Foods is constantly evolving its ESG agenda and is evaluating incorporating objectives and goals for social and corporate governance in the coming years.
Our current initiatives on both fronts can be accessed on our sustainability portal in the Prosperity of Our People and ‘ Solid and Committed Administration ‘ sections and in the ‘ Sustainability Report ‘.
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